AC Generation
Electricity doesn't come out of thin air! (or does it?)
Where does voltage come from? How do we get it? Thanks to people such as Michael Farady and Joseph Henry we now have an idea how to harness the energy that was once attributed to the Gods.
In this course we will learn:
How voltage is induced.
Alternators (practical and simple)
Frequency and period.
Sine wave analysis.
Alternating current terms and formulas.
How to boil the perfect egg. (JK, just making sure you're paying attention)
Comments, Concerns, and Queries
What is Electromagnetic induction?
The Alternator
AC generation with an alternator
Sine Wave generation
AC Waveform analysis
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Comments, Concerns and Queries
Alternator worksheet
AC generation worksheet
AC Values Worksheet #1
AC values worksheet #2
AC Values worksheet # 3
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Chad Flinn
Are you sick of not understanding AC generation? Do you wish there was an easier way? Look no more!